Games As Art Center

A center in Tampere Finland where players can come to make, play and think about games. Featuring live action role-playing games, talks on the artistic practice of game design and a variety of playful communities. The center is open and designed for all people, in English, with no experience required! Simply register and join us :).

Come to make, play, and think.

Upcoming Events

We are closed for the Summer and back at the end of August! Here is a cool Larp Festival if you want to keep larping this break!

Members and Partners of the Games As Art Center:

Aasa Timonen, Akateemiset Pelaajat, Aleksei Kopylov, Angie Nicole Hernandez, Ans Ahmad, Antonio De Silva Neto, Antonio Pomposini, Arttu Lakkala, Benjamin Matthews, Chris Aylott, Carey Alex, Corinna Wüllner, Daniel Fernández Galeote, Daniel Gonzalez Cohens, Eddie Reyes, Elina Ontronen, Elo Vanhanen, Enni Eerikäinen, Felipe Garcia Soriano, Finland Improv Ry, Goodnight Finland graffiti artist, Hanne Grasmo, Heidi Jokinen, Ismaila Sane, Irene Sylvia Fredrika, Jaakko Stenros, Jamora Ry, Joonas Palsio, Jukka Särkijärvi, Julian Carrera, Juliana Magdalena, Kati Alha, Laura op de Beke, Leland Masek, Malin Steinmetz, Maria Hakuli, Mariana Perez Zamora, Mark Maletska, Matilda Ståhl, Mauricio Castro Valdez, Maximilian Solala, Mee-lu Lie, Niklas Nylund, Nina Hartik, Oliver Hussey, Operaatio Pirkanmaa, Rūta Balžekaitė, Sanni Kurvi, Tuomas Harviainen, Tuukka Saarni, Tekla Kaasalainen, Uriel Nyffeneger, Velvet Spors, Vili Nissinen, Vili Saura, Vilja Tuohino, Ville Susi, Yusuf Enes Doganay, Yvette Alessandra.

Want to support games and art in Tampere?

We were founded in August 2023 and in our first year we hosted 170 events for 2.451 participants! If you would like to host an event or join our association please contact us. You are very welcome to join our work to Make, Play, and Think about games!